The Righteous Mind: why good people are divided by politics and religion by Jonathan Haidt (2012)

This was on my shelf for awhile before I finally picked it up. As my review from Insta indicates, I felt like I’ve seen much of this information before because the book has been out for over 10 years, and these ideas have become much more mainstream in those 10 years. What interests me most now is some of Haidt’s more recent ideas about the poison of social media (also not new, but I like how he addresses it), which aligns with the famous article by Jean Twenge, showing the research the backs up this idea of smartphone/social media use and what it is doing specifically to teenage girls. That’s a different topic than this book, but he uses much of the same psychology to show what impacts us and how: emotion over reason. Kids know social media can be poisonous and yet…they go back for more and more. Intuition and emotion over logic and reason.

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